Thursday, May 30, 2013

River Rock and Reflections is "hot off the easel."  I have been traveling the last few weeks and just couldn't wait to get out and paint again.  This painting is of the Rio Ruidoso in Ruidoso, NM.  Because of the drought it looks more like a creek, but it is fun to look down into the water and see the bottom.  I know you probably won't believe me because I forgot to bring my camera, but there was a bull elk about 35 yards from me the entire time I was painting.  He was munching on the green grasses growing along the stream.  We had an unspoken understanding that I wouldn't bother him, if he didn't bother me!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Breakfast Prep is my entry in the DPW Challenge for the week.  The point is to do a cool/warm painting where either cool predominates or warm.  I have also been trying to paint looser and use more paint.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Glass Vases is a study in shapes, color, reflections and shadows.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Red Reflections was painted in front of the Chinese Restaurant - The Great Wall of China in Ruidoso, NM.
Mountain Stream was painted on location in Ruidoso, NM.  It is nice to be able to get out and paint again.