Thursday, January 2, 2014

Fulton - Rockport, TX

I spent the holidays painting on the Texas Coast.  The Fulton Rockport area is really on the Aransas Bay, which is protected by an island which parallels the coast.  It is a birders paradise as the migrating birds such as pelicans and herons spend the winter there. Somehow I had images of balmy sunny weather, but most of the time it was cloudy and windy.  However we had a great time and I was able to paint a different venue from what I normally paint.  I think I just scratched the surface of  the subjects that were available so I definitely want to do more exploration in the future. 
While I was painting, I was also thinking about my goals for 2014.  I will address that in a future blog.

Fulton Harbor 1

Goose Island

Fulton Harbor 2

Ocean View Drive

1 comment:

  1. Barbara, these paintings are wonderful. Hope you get to return there and paint some more. The lighting is terrific!
